Semi-circle Rangoli

To choose the right design from the thousands available can be a daunting task. We are presenting to you a unique and popular rangoli design – in semi-cirlce Sanskar Bharati – for this Diwali. Bring on the festivities with this colourful design.

This rangoli design is dedicated to the festival of lights and colours suitable for Diwali. The holy ‘Om’ sign in the middle is done using three vibrant colours – Blue, red and white.

Rangoli colour shades from light to dark. It is just a flower not in the form of sanskar bharti but looks attractive due to its eye-catching shades.

Semi-circle with suitable colour contrast and signs of gopadma and lotus at a center

This design shows use of different colours in rangoli which are not common in use.

Sanskar Bharti rangoli with appropriate colour contrast. As colours like red. blue and yellow  makes perfect colour contrast

This design is not for the beginners. It need mixing of colours to make perfect shades like this

This design has many concentric circles in the outer layer. The use of green, red and dark blue colours makes it look vibrant and bright. Also, the colours complement each other perfectly.

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